Nurseries & Suppliers

Chilliwack is the home of many outstanding growers and offers some of the best nurseries in the Fraser Valley. The following list includes just a few of them.

Nursery stores to visit for plants, seminars and events.


Minter Country Garden – Chilliwack’s Community Garden Store since 1957.  Brian Minter, BC’s  go-to garden expert, radio and television host and garden columnist.

Little Mountain Greenhouses – The only Grower-Direct retailer in Chilliwack.

Cedar Rim Nursery – Purveyors of Unique Horticultural Specimens.

Bamboo World –  Rare, Exotic and Cold Hardy Bamboo Plants.

Denbow – Large areas to mulch?  They can blow it in with ease.

Kel-Mor Enterprises – Rocks, Gravel, Mulch and so much more.

Dan Knoke – Organic soil for the garden.